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LifeLines, second generation genealogy software
original author
Tom Wetmore

LINES-L discussion list established 1992 by Cliff Manis, now owned by Marc Nozell

The official manual is now included in the distributions. Nonetheless, here are some snapshots:
3.1.1 Manuals 3.0.62 Manuals

Updated report scripts are now included with the Lifelines kit.
all reports posted on LINES-L by Vincent P. Broman
genealogical charts in PostScript by John S. Quarterman

previous versions
3.0.5 Windows95/NT port by Paul McBride
- description of changes

GenWeb site by Scott McGee
WW-Person by Herbert Stoyan
GenServ home page by Cliff Manis

Dan Hirschberg
Denis Roegel
Petter Reinholdtsen

Quick Links

Lifelines FAQ

Life Lines Installation

The project download page provides binary distributions of Lifelines for both Windows and Linux. It also provides source distributions. For other OS distributions, check out the links for those distributions on the LifeLines home page.

Windows Installation

Binary archives are prepared using the open-source program 7-zip for both the 7-zip and zip compression formats. Starting with version 3.0.50 there is a file named Install.LifeLines.Windows.txt included in the distribution with installation instructions. If you wish to see the instructions on how to install the software before you install the software, you can view the instructions using the GitHub web interface to the source code repository by going here and clicking view under the most recent version.


For systems that support rpm's, download the rpm distribution and install it.

Other Systems

For systems other than these (and those listed under OS distributions on the Lifelines home page), you will have to download a source distribution and compile it. Extract the distribution in a convenient place. The files will be extracted into a directory like lifelines-3.0.49, where 3.0.49 is replaced by the version of the release. In this directory you will find a file named INSTALL. It contains instructions to build Lifelines and information about other tools required. You can view this file in the GitHub web interface to the source code repository by here by clicking view under the most recent version.